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Title: Flow in a bundle of tubes in alternate rows

Description: Example of an internal flow whose organization plays a major part in the efficiency of a heat exchanger. The tests emphasised the configurations (distance between rows, alternate positioning) that ensure all elements of the bundle with a good distribution of clean flow and a reduction of their wake. Image created by Henri Werlé. Reproduced with permission from his spectacular collection Courants et Couleurs published in 1974 by ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab.

For further information, see On the Flow of Fluids Made Visible, Henri Werlé, Leonardo, Vol. 8, No. 4. (Autumn, 1975), pp. 329-331.

Credits: <u>Henri Werlé</u>


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The eFluids editor for videos is G. M. "Bud" Homsy (
and for images is Jean Hertzberg (
Please contact them if you have any problems, questions, or concerns related to the galley or videos and images.
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